Thursday, March 19, 2009

Irish Potatoes...

I have lived in the Philadelphia area my whole life and never realized that Irish Potatoes were a local Philly thing. A friend of mine emailed me on St Patty's day with a link to an Irish Potato recipe and asking what the heck they were? What? You've never heard of Irish Potatoes? I thought everybody knew about these. They show up all over the place during the month of March. They are nothing more than Coconut, sugar, a bit of cream cheese as binder, and a roll in cinnamon. How could they not be delicious?

My favorite store brand is Oh Ryan's, who have been in business since 1989. This year my daughter decided to make some at home, and the results are in the bowl in the photo above. They might not be as pretty as the commercial variety, but they were every bit as yummy!

Oh Ryan's Irish Potatoes

How to make your own Irish Potatoes

1 comment:

MitMoi said...

Aggghhh ... I didn't know you'd started this :(

They were wonderful Irish Potaoes - thanks for sharing them with me.