Friday, April 10, 2009

confirming what we already knew.....

From today's New York Times...

WASHINGTON — After decades of steady progress, the safety of the nation’s food supply has not improved over the past three years, the government reported Thursday. And, it said, in the case of salmonella, the dangerous bacteria recently found in peanuts and pistachios, infections may be creeping upward.

The report, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, demonstrates that the nation’s food safety system, created when most foods were grown, prepared and consumed locally, needs a thorough overhaul to regulate an increasingly global food industry, top government health officials said Thursday.

Read the full story

1 comment:

alison said...

how true this is...supplying food to people you know, who you see on a regular basis, who ALSO supply YOU with yr livelihood, is a great incentive to take care with what you put out there.

i hate to say it, but in the great anonymity of our current paradigm of industrial-scale production, it is very easy to not be too concerned about that...

by the way, i love it that you have a christopher alexander quote on yr sidebar. he's one of my favorite authors. you might also appreciate e.f. schumacher's "small is beautiful", if you haven't read it already...yr blogs are great fun for me to read, thanks for all yr posts. nice to know people in other places are involved in similar pursuits...