Thursday, April 16, 2009


I am really enjoying the rewards of having planted cold weather crops back in early March. There were a few very cold nights that required some fast thinking in order to keep the plants warm, but overall this has been a very easy crop to grow. I haven't added any fertilizer to the soil, and with all of the spring rain we have had, I haven't needed to water but for a couple times.

bok choi april 16th, 2009

Everyday I go out and harvest a big handful of leafy greens, and I will continue to do so right up until I pull these out and change over to Tomatoes, which is at least another month from now. Before I do that I will be adding another row of timbers around this bed to add some additional depth, then I will turn in some composted manure and add another three or four inches of mushroom soil. The soil mix I used last year from Primex Garden Supply in Glenside, Pa. was perfect for tomatoes. My crop was superb and abundant.

cold crops april 16th, 2009


saturday's child said...

that soil beneath your bok choy is gorgeous looking. I think I'll have to get some bok choy seedlings somewhere this weekend :)

Christopher Paquette said...

that is years worth of compost and manure and coffee grounds....