Tuesday, August 18, 2009

lazy way Marinara...

Last night I brought home three pounds of hybrid tomatoes from my CSA, and decided to make a batch of Marinara Sauce because it doesn't look like there will be any large abundance of tomatoes this season for canning or freezing. I typically start making sauces with my tomatoes much later in the season after I am literally sick of eating them fresh. But this season all bets are off as we all know, and after bringing home six pounds of tomatoes yesterday it just seemed like a good night to make some sauce!

Every ingredient in this Marinara Sauce came straight from Pennypack Farm and was cooked on the same day as harvest. (all except the Garlic and Anchovies) Couldn't be any fresher!

Start with a slow saute of Onions and a few cloves of Garlic. Nice low flame...

Add some dice green Pepper...

Now a few Anchovies.(Do it! Even if you hate Anchovies. It adds a nice complexity and slight saltiness to the sauce) Stir them around until they melt...

Now begin adding diced tomatoes. This is where the lazy factor comes in. I don't peel my tomatoes. I simply cut off the top, squeeze out most of the seeds over a bowl, and then dice them. Peeling tomatoes is an added step I usually avoid. I do not mind the texture of skins in my pasta sauce, and I am a firm believer that most of the nutrition of fruits and vegetables is in the skin. I never peel potatoes or carrots, and I would only peel tomatoes if I was making a concentrated paste or very traditional sauce.

Fresh Basil and Parsley...

Course chopped and added to the simmering tomatoes...

All that's let is a very slow simmer. Maybe a splash of really good Olive Oil and a touch of Balsamic Vinegar. The entire sauce can be pasta ready in less than 30 minutes if you are in a hurry, or you can let it simmer and thicken a bit and then put it into the fridge or freezer. This sauce is just as good the next day or thawed from the freezer as it is fresh. Enjoy!

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